STAN is a national network open to all organizations and individuals committed to improving science and technology literacy for all Canadians.

Register to become a member of STAN!

There is no membership fee. We are building a network of organizations and individuals whose collective voice will drive Science and Technology literacy onto the national agenda. STAN is an advocate for science and technology literacy, an issue we believe must be a national priority.

We need you to add your organization's voice to our growing network of active organizations and individuals in this field. We currently have over 120 members and our goal is to increase that number significantly. As a member of STAN, you can amplify your presence and your influence, leverage your own outreach message via the network, and help us become a bigger voice on the national scene.

Member Organizations

  • Science & Technology Awareness organizations
  • Professional Societies & Associations
  • Schools
  • School Boards
  • Post-secondary Institutions
  • Science Centres and Museums
  • Media
  • Government related organizations
  • Business and Industry
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