Your User Profile
Account Details:
Username (May not contain spaces. Must be between 3 and 60 characters long)
(Type your password twice. Must be at least 3 characters long)
Real Name
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Personal Details:
Position / Job Title

Please choose the STAN Member Organization that you are affiliated with.
If your organization is not listed, please enter it here

Check the list above carefully to avoid duplication; if you type in a new organization here, then the webmaster may create a new STAN Member Organization with this name.
Your phone number

If you enter a phone number, it will only be seen by STAN webmasters and managers. It will not be visible to regular users of the STAN website.
Your fax number

If you enter a fax number, it will only be seen by STAN webmasters and managers. It will not be visible to regular users of the STAN website.

If you or your organization has a website that you would like to share with others, please enter it here.

Your Mailing Address:

If you enter any address information, it will only be seen by STAN webmasters and managers. It will not be visible to regular users of the STAN website.

Address line 1
Address line 2
Province / Territory
Postal Code
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