Some high points in the history of STAN:

  • During the final session at the 3rd Annual Partners in Science Awareness Forum (hosted by Let’s Talk Science in Nov. 2002), Marc Nantel (Ontario Centres of Excellence) issued a call to action to establish an informal network to promote collaboration throughout the sector.
  • Subsequently, a meeting was organized in February 2003 in Toronto. Over 30 stakeholders participated and elected Bonnie Schmidt (Let's Talk Science) and Marietta Bloch (then Toronto District School Board) as co-chairs. During the meeting, a Steering Committee was formed and charged with establishing a framework for the network. Original members included Marc Nantel, Jennifer Flanagan (Actua), Tammy Adkin (London Regional Children’s Museum), Jeffrey Crelinsten (Engineers in Residence), Rick Levick (Canadian Biotechnology Education Resource Centre), Sheila Rhodes (then ENOREO), and John Percy (University of Toronto).
  • In Spring 2003, funding was received from the Ontario Government to begin building the Network. The Steering Committee developed an operating framework, designed a web-based database and developed a web site.
  • The Science & Technology Awareness Network (STAN) was formally launched on November 20, 2003 at the 4th Annual Partners in Science Awareness Forum held in Ottawa.
  • Since 2004, STAN has grown to have a national presence with its annual conference as a highlight.
  • STAN was incorporated in November 2007.
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